Friday, September 18, 2015


September 18, 2015

According to ancient Greek legend Narcissus was a god who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.  So smitten was he by his own beauty that some versions say he pined away and died by the pool side rather than leave what he saw.

Today there is a mental disorder that finds its name in the legend of Narcissus – it is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  A little research on this disorder will quickly reveal some common characteristics.  Narcissists have an inflated sense of self, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.  If you have had the misfortune of dealing with someone with this disorder, you probably bear the scars to prove it.  They are often charming, can be very manipulative, and will destroy you without a second thought if you cross them.

Consider the above description of NPD and then think about those who have served recently as President or who are now seeking the office.  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama painfully fit the description of a narcissist.  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could serve as textbook examples of this disorder. 

That a narcissist would lust for the office of the President of the United States goes without saying.  The recognition and approbation associated with the office will draw them like bees to honey. 

What really puzzles me is why the citizens of this country continue to elect these dysfunctional (and sometimes dangerous) individuals to the highest office in the land.  Allow me to share with you what I have come to suspect are at least some of the reasons why we continue to place narcissists in the White House.

One, narcissists are not hobbled by humility.  They are absolutely convinced they can do the job.  They come across as incredibly confident and competent.  Think in terms of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.  One thing neither lacks is self-confidence.  Each is convinced he is the most intelligent, capable person in the room.  I believe Americans, desperately searching for a kind of superhero to get us out of the mess we’re in, are drawn to someone who’s convinced he or she can fix what’s broken.  And narcissists are eager to share with anyone who will listen the absolute confidence they possess that ability.  So, they make wonderful campaigners, feeding off the adulation of the crowds and all the pomp and press attention that goes with running for President.    

Two, narcissists have a tendency to view everyone as either friends or enemies.  There is no in-between.  If you support them, you’re wonderful.  If you oppose them they will destroy you without hesitation.  That makes them very effective, if ruthless, campaigners for office.

President Obama has a history of destroying those who have run against him from the time he held state office, to his senatorial run, to his campaign for the presidency.  He showed no hesitation in doing whatever it took to eliminate his opposition.  His narcissism and “hard ball” no-holds-barred political warring go hand in hand.

Donald Trump is admired because of his straight talk.  But how about his constant denigrating and belittling of anyone who opposes him?  Just consider for a moment how he has dealt with his fellow Republican candidates.  That is classically narcissistic.  Anyone who opposes him, he has made abundantly clear by words and action, is an enemy that he will attack.  Trump, I believe, literally could care less about hurting the feelings of others.  The only thing that matters is his own success.  Anyone who stands in the way will be destroyed.

Three, narcissists have little or no empathy for the feelings of others.  That means they have no problem in lying to or manipulating others in order to reach their goals.  Look at the political corpses President Obama has littered the landscape with over the past six years. Dozens of senators and representatives have sacrificed their careers in politics to further his agenda.  Have your ever heard him express any genuine regret over this?  The only regret I’ve heard him express is that their defeat makes it more difficult for him to promote his agenda.

Four, rules are for the common people, not for the narcissist.  Hillary Clinton really does seem to struggle with why people would want to apply the same rules of conduct to her in matters of national security as everyone else.  She is Hillary Clinton!  If she wants her own private e-mail server, for whatever reason, why should she not be able to do so?  Narcissists struggle with accountability. 

President Obama has repeatedly shown his disdain for the law and the Constitution.  If he disagrees with it, he simply ignores it and proceeds to do as he wishes.  Some view this as idealism.  I’m sure that’s true.  I also believe it is a reflection of an inner conviction that he, unlike the more common people, is not bound by the rules.  As a narcissist, it is his way, or else.  And he’s got Obamacare, a treaty with Iran, and multiple executive actions to prove it.

Do we really want another narcissist in the White House?  Have we fallen so far that it takes an imbalanced personality to run this country?  Does it take a narcissist to deal with a House and Senate full of individuals suffering from the same delusions of superiority and grandeur?

I’m going to be watching with great interest the political machinations which will be occurring over the next year.  Will the citizens of this country choose as their leader a man or woman of faith and humility, or will they once again opt for someone who’s better at running for the office than actually filling it.

                                                                        Dan Rouse