Thursday, February 27, 2014


February 27, 2014 

            Should the LGBT rights movement be presented as equivalent to the civil rights movement of the 1960’s? In the propaganda delivered by the media on an almost hourly basis,  this is the ongoing comparison being made.  But is the LGBT movement, in reality, hijacking the moral imperative of non-discrimination on the basis of race by arguing a false moral equivalence to sexual orientation?

I believe it is.  I also believe the societal implications of this false equivalence have not been fairly explored.  They will reach far beyond the publicly proclaimed goals of non-discrimination against LGBT persons and same sex marriage. 

            Any balanced examination of this issue must recognize the blizzard of misinformation that has been churned out by an overwhelmingly pro-gay media.  For instance, the fact is THERE IS NO CONCRETE PROOF HOMOSEXUALITY IS ANYTHING OTHER THAN A CHOICE.  Read the available literature.  Look at the studies that have been published.  As much as the LGBT community would like to have you believe they are locked into their sexual orientation at birth, there is no proof!  Yet, that assertion is constantly being made.  What is happening today seems to absolutely confirm the assertion that if you simply repeat an untruth often enough as though it were true, it will be perceived as so.  Unfortunately, in the minds of the American public the growing consensus seems to be that sexual orientation, like race, is immutable.  Why?  Because it is asserted and asserted and asserted as though it were true.  Therefore, in the minds of many it is true.

            Allow me to share a couple of scientific, and for some, rather inconvenient, truths.  RACE IS IMMUTABLE.  It cannot be changed.  Period.  Black, Hispanic, Anglo, Native American, Asian, or some mixture thereof – genetically you are what you are.  DNA tests will deliver indisputable, and unchangeable, results for each of us as individuals. Along this same line, GENDER IS IMMUTABLE.  It also cannot be changed.  You are either male or female in every cell of your body.  Period.  All the shots and surgery in the world will not change a male into a female or vice versa.  You may alter the appearance of the package, but the contents will remain the same.

            Compare this to the completely different set of standards determining sexual orientation.  There is no scientific test to determine by DNA or any other physical factor one’s sexual orientation.  The only way to know whether a man feels like a woman, or a woman is sexually attracted to other women, is by self-assertion and action.  To equate sexual orientation with race or gender as though they were cut from the same cloth is blatantly untrue. You have no control over your race or gender.  You do have over your sexual orientation.

            Allow me to cite one example which exemplifies the hypocrisy involved in conflating race with sexual orientation.  Chirlane de Blasio is the wife of New York’s recently elected mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has been an outspoken supporter of LGBT “rights.”  Chirlane has been married to Bill for over twenty years.  They have two children.  She is Black and he is Anglo.  She was also a practicing lesbian prior to their relationship.  Chirlane cannot change her race, but she clearly has changed her sexual orientation.  How could this be?  Because race is fixed and immutable, sexual orientation a choice.  Yet, this mind boggling contradiction of the conventional wisdom has been completely ignored by the pro-gay press.

            As we blunder on blithely ignoring science in the name of “gay rights” and political correctness, our society is opening up Pandora’s box.  There are always consequences, whether PC thought chooses to ignore them or not, to blatantly ignoring real, physical, truths.  Here’s some of what’s coming folks, and it isn’t pretty…

            Because sexual orientation is being equated with race in legislation being written in various states, the courts are going to be forced to continue to rule in favor of homosexual rights.  Even though it is a false equivalence, it is an equivalence the courts will have no choice but to recognize as they rule on any LGBT issue.  Eric Holder has made no bones about where the department of justice stands, to the extent of urging attorneys general in various states to refuse to enforce anti-gay marriage legislation presently on the books.  There is no reason to believe court decisions and enforcement (or lack thereof) by attorneys general will not continue their present trend toward favoring LGBT “rights.” 

            Consider “gay” marriage to be a given: the same with gay adoption.

            A Christian’s right to express their faith and conviction in LGBT matters is going to be criminalized.  It’s already happening.  It’s only going to get worse.  Consider the fight which just took place in Arizona over a bill giving Christians the right to express their moral and spiritual convictions without criminal consequences.   Incredible political and financial pressure was brought on Governor Brewer to veto the bill, which she did.   The purpose of the bill had nothing to do with allowing Christians to discriminate against gays.  It came into being because conservative legislators recognized how threatened Christians are by what is happening nationwide.  They are being prosecuted because of their unwillingness to advocate the gay lifestyle.  The purpose of the bill was to protect Christians, not persecute gays.  However, the LGBT movement wants fundamentalist Christians shut up and shut down – period.  This law would have undermined their efforts in that regard.  Thus, they unleashed an unbelievable campaign of fury and pressure to destroy the bill, and were successful.

            Get ready for unisex public bathrooms.  Since sexual orientation is now determined by one’s personal inclinations and not science, there is no way male and female bathrooms are going to stand.  They have already been accused of traumatizing transgender children.  They are being likened to “colored” and “white” drinking fountains in the South in the l950’s.  Laws in California and court rulings in New Hampshire clearly favor allowing children to enter the restroom they feel most comfortable with, regardless of genitalia.  The days of boys and girls restrooms will be a thing of the past.

            Also prepare for some very interesting fighting over sports and the participation of transgender individuals.  Picture what is coming to the Olympics when men, who genetically test as men but claim to be women, want to throw the shot put or run track events as females.  Genetic testing, which has been used in the past to disqualify males seeking to participate as females, must logically now be disallowed as discriminatory. 

             The same thing holds true with beauty pageants.  What will they do when a transgender woman decides to compete for Miss America?  I see no way present laws and interpretations of those laws could prevent him/her from competing.

            Therapists and ministries working with gay and transgender men to change their sexual orientation to heterosexual are already being marginalized and even criminalized.  Any attempt to counsel a confused young person about their sexuality is going to be fraught with danger unless the counsel is determinedly gender neutral.

            Please understand that war has been declared on Judeo-Christian values in our society, and those who would hold to them.  LGBT groups are promulgating blatantly false assertions equating race and gender with sexual orientation in order to gain the sympathy and favor of the masses.  As a result, all over the country legislation and court decisions are now being written and rendered based upon lies presented as truth.  Every aspect of our society is going to be changed, and in the process soiled and demeaned, by what is going on.  This glorious new world of sexual freedom being advocated by these prophets of moral filth is going to make Sodom and Gomorrah look like play school.  And this country is going to be about as friendly to Christians as Sodom was to Lot.

            I genuinely fear what is coming.   

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