Tuesday, July 22, 2014


July 22, 2014
A friend of mine recently related an incident that illustrates beautifully the Great Divide increasingly evident in our culture. Kenny was on a fishing trip with his brother and his brother’s  friend.  This friend and Kenny found themselves sharing a boat.  As they visited, it became quite obvious to Kenny that the friend’s political and social views tended toward the far left of the political spectrum.  Among other things, he made known his disdain for Christians and their opposition to gay marriage.  He also made clear his own “enlightened” atheism.  After their discussion became more and more heated with neither Kenny nor his brother’s friend willing to give ground, Kenny finally brought the discussion to an end.  What he told his fishing companion sums up the intellectual chasm now dividing us:

“There’s no sense in continuing this conversation.  You’re not going to change my mind.  I’m obviously not going to change yours.  We have no basis upon which to reach agreement.  I believe in God and the Bible as His inspired word.  You don’t.  I believe God’s word should guide and direct our lives and our moral decisions.  You don’t.  Therefore, we are never going to agree because you completely reject the authority I accept. Let’s talk sports or fishing or whatever, but if we’re going to stay in the same boat, politics and morals are off the table for discussion.”

This is a great illustration of how deep and real the Great Divide is. While the Divide is nothing new, its ramifications are being seen and felt more and more.  Therefore, I believe it is important to understand the forces underlying this split we see in our culture. 

One of the roots of this Great Divide is what Scripture will call “strongholds.”  In 2 Corinthians 10:4 Paul speaks of the existence of these “strongholds” of evil. I believe these strongholds consist, at least in part, of evil that has taken hold in individual’s lives (there may well be collective “strongholds” such as organizations or governments controlled by evil).  These individual strongholds are made up of everything from addictions to pride to stubborn disbelief (see the New Testament sin lists). They are called strongholds because they are sources of evil within our souls which can, and do, dominate our lives. While Paul says we have divine weapons which can destroy these strongholds, and I believe we do, these weapons (which Scripture elsewhere will identify as the gospel message, agape, faith, forgiveness, grace, mercy, hope, etc.) are only as effective as the person being taught will allow.  Free will clearly plays a critical role here.

Permit me to share a couple of Biblical illustrations of the existence and power of these individual strongholds.  Judas was exposed for over three years to absolute perfection in the life and teaching of Jesus.  He was able to live in the presence of a perfect demonstration of agape. Despite that, neither the agape shown, nor the moral perfection lived, by Jesus was able to destroy the stronghold(s) of evil in Judas’ life.  He would betray our Savior for thirty pieces of silver.  Another example is provided by the unbelieving Jews of Antioch and Iconium who, exposed to the miracles performed by Paul and Barnabas in support of their teaching of the gospel (see Acts 14:3, 8-10), will not only reject that teaching, but will follow Paul to Lystra and stone him (Acts 14:19).  Again, neither the gospel message nor the miracles accompanying its preaching would be able to shatter the strongholds of evil in the hearts of those unbelievers. 

In 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Paul will make reference to his beautiful ministry of reconciliation.  As he will go on to explicate in Ephesians 2, it is a ministry designed by God to reconcile men to God and to each other.  But in order for this to occur, Satanic strongholds in the minds and hearts of men must be shattered.  Until that happens, no reconciliation can occur.

Examples of the power and damage done by these strongholds of evil are all around us.  We are all distressed and frustrated at the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.  It seems as if the violence and hatred between them will never stop.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t believe it will.  Oh, there may be another cease fire or piece of paper signed, but that’s not going to end the conflict.  Here’s why.  Neither side in this mess is willing to acknowledge the Prince of Peace.  Neither side is willing to make His rule theirs.  The strongholds of unbelief, of pride and revenge and hatred on both sides are never going to be torn down in hearts which stubbornly hold on to them.  They can only be permanently removed by Jesus Christ, and neither side will allow Him to do that.  Thus, the conflict will continue.

This same principle holds true in the Great Divide we now see continuing to develop in this country.  Many hearts have been, and are, reconciled to God through Jesus Christ by their acceptance of the gospel.  They have seen the strongholds of evil in their lives shattered and found true freedom in Christ.  But many refuse to accept the message of reconciliation and peace in Christ.  They want no part of the gospel message.  The strongholds of evil in their lives remain powerful and resistant.  They are that “hard soil” of Matthew 13:1-23.  It is important to remember the seed cannot penetrate soil which refuses to receive it.

How does this play out in the Great Divide? 

There is a constant drumbeat for “compromise” in Washington.  Democrats and Republicans are told they need to move off their respective high centers and come to the middle so that the nation’s business can be accomplished. I suppose when that comes to funding for road projects that’s true.  Unfortunately, when it comes to legislation which has an inherently moral component, such as in matters relating to abortion or homosexuality, such is not the case.  Those who believe an unborn child has a “right to life” are not going to compromise that.  There is no compromise when death is the only alternative.  Conversely, those who literally spit on God’s word and despise the Christian God see no reason to move from their position that sexual hedonism is an inherent right of all.  They are not going to compromise in their fight to have the  right to fornicate with whomever they wish.  Why would they?  They hold to their immorality as tightly as we hold to our morality.  There is a “great gulf” betwixt the two.  It exists because of strongholds of evil in men’s hearts.

As Paul so wisely and tellingly observes in Ephesians 6, our battle is not against flesh and blood.  We are involved in a spiritual warfare for the hearts and souls of mankind.  We must, lovingly and kindly, but forcefully and courageously, continue to fight this battle with the weapons of war which God has provided.  We will see many victories.  But we should not be alarmed or discouraged when “strongholds” are revealed.  They are part and parcel of the Great Divide which exists between believers and unbelievers.               


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