Monday, October 12, 2015


October 12, 2015

            The Greeks thought the language of the people outside of their realm sounded nonsensical, strange, and ignorant.  They ridiculed it by referring to it as “barbarous,” mimicking with that term the coarseness they perceived in the language.  From this root would come our modern term “barbarian”: a word which speaks of the uncivilized and uncultured who would destroy whatever they encounter.

            Today, in this country, I believe we are now raising successive generations of barbarians.  I’m not using the term pejoratively, but rather descriptively.  The word very accurately describes the way our culture has gone.  And the trajectory towards barbarism has not been accidental.  It has taken years of concentrated effort on the part of many for us to reach this nadir in the existence of our country and culture.  But I believe we are here.  No longer, as the movie of a few years ago asserted, are the barbarians merely at the gates.  They are now among us.  They are us.  And I place no blame upon these barbarians.  It’s really not their fault.  They literally don’t know any better.  Raised in a coarse and vulgar environment in which evil is celebrated and perversity honored and praised, why should we expect anything else?

            Gangs of young males now roam the streets of our cities, slaughtering each other at a horrifying pace.  They have no conscience and evince little remorse when they are caught and punished for their crimes.  Daily they are breaking into our homes, hijacking our automobiles, raping our women, and robbing the innocent on the streets.  How else could one possibly describe them except as barbarians?  The only difference between them and their predecessors in history is location.  Their callousness to human suffering; their viciousness and rage against those around them is no different.

            Our colleges and universities have for years been training highly educated, technically sophisticated barbarians with business degrees and MBA’s.  These barbarians in fancy suits and thousand dollar shoes are destroying us financially as they pillage our banks and businesses.  Operating without moral or ethical boundaries, our government has been unable to write laws fast enough to stop them from grossly abusing the system.  They can afford to purchase a façade of civility.  They live in their ocean view estates, and have educated themselves to know which wine goes with what course, but they are still no more than barbarians feasting on the spoils of their carnage.

            I walked into Walmart early in the morning a few Saturdays ago and encountered one of the most egregious examples of bizarre deliberate mutilation of the human body I have seen.  This poor barbarian couldn’t have been more than in his late twenties.  He was a big man both in height and girth.  From the top of his head to his feet every piece of flesh that was available for viewing was covered with multi-colored tattoos.  His earlobes hung nearly to his shoulders, pierced and filled with rings inches in diameter.  There were studs and rings protruding from his eyebrows, lips, cheeks, and ears.  He looked freakish.  I literally wondered if he hadn’t come early to avoid scaring small children, because I really think he would.  What would possess anyone to so deliberately mutilate themselves?  He is a poster child for the barbaric self-mutilation that a generation of barbarians have chosen to glorify.

The women are no less barbaric.  They have been brainwashed into believing that slut like dress and behavior is somehow glamorous and empowering.  At a funeral I conducted  the other day, I was shocked at the dress, or lack thereof, of several of the younger women in attendance.  They were dressed more like street walkers than mourners.  And lest I be accused of being old and cynical, I had several others in attendance, some of whom were contemporaries of these women, making the same comment.  Once again, I’m lamenting not blaming.  These poor young women are clueless as to how a lady is to dress.  Their mothers clearly have not taught or modeled modesty for them.  The example set before them in the media is by female barbarians who make their living by baring their flesh for a price.  All they are doing is mimicking what they see glorified instead of vilified daily.

            The church I’m privileged to preach for has a very active prison ministry at a women’s prison here in Oklahoma.  I’m out there an average of twice a month to preach and conduct baptisms.  My heart breaks at what I’m seeing.  Young women who ought to be in college or clerking at the local grocery store are behind bars.  They have been deemed too dangerous to be set loose in society.  At eighteen or twenty they are already hardened criminals.  Starving for love and hope in a world that has never offered them either, it is at once rewarding and heartbreaking to see them respond to the message that God loves them and their lives matter.  Raised as barbarians they have never been gifted with faith or hope.  Their view of life is too often that either you use others to get what you want or you get used.  Most have been abused physically, sexually, and emotionally.  They have no more concept of Biblical love than the man in the moon.

            As you listen to polls which show increasing tolerance and even approval for gay marriage, transgender rights, and legalized drug use there should be no surprise in light of the increasing number of barbarians who are now being polled.  After a concerted effort over the last fifty years to drive God out of our culture, we are now seeing the fruits of that effort.  Young people whose parents were raised with no moral or ethical standards are now being turned loose on the world without a clue as to a transcendent standard of right and wrong.  How could their parents teach them that of which they have no knowledge?  We have emptied our churches and driven God from our schools.  We have made heroes out of moral cretins and vilified anyone who would uphold a moral standard.  We have tethered our children to “smart” phones that are tools for the dissemination of a cesspool of information from pornography to Facebook.  Should we be shocked and surprised when they embrace and support that which stands in direct opposition to the will of Almighty God?

            The Bible makes it clear that we reap what we sow.  We have spent years in this country and culture sowing to the wind.  It should surprise none of us that we now reap the whirlwind. 

            Allow me to share a final illustration of the depths to which our culture has now descended.  I stood in one of the grocery aisles at Walmart awhile back (if you want a quick take on the barbarity that exists in our culture today just visit a Walmart) and listened to a foul-mouthed female who couldn’t have been more than fourteen or fifteen inform the two young male barbarians who were with her that she wasn’t sure but what she was a (blank) lesbian!  What struck me, besides the vulgarity of the whole situation, was how totally comfortable the three of them were with their coarseness.  There was absolutely no shame or reticence about what was going on.  Quite the opposite.  They were obviously loud and proud in their barbarism.  That others were in the aisle meant absolutely nothing.  “Common decency” is a concept with which these young barbarians are totally unfamiliar.

            I take comfort in the knowledge that not all today are being raised as barbarians.  I see Christian parents doing their best to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord.  With great fortitude and courage, with tremendous sacrifice and love, they are seeking to pass on to their children a legacy of godly principles and values.  But it is undeniably true that they are seeking to raise their children in Sodom.

            I have heard candidates for President talk about making America great again.  I wish they would set their sights on something far more important – making America good again.  I’m afraid there’s not a chance in the world she will ever be great again until she is first good.  Barbarians know how to hate and do damage.  They know how to rob and take and cheat and intimidate.  They know how to destroy.  They don’t have a clue about how to build.   When judgment comes on this country, and it will, the only hope we will have is that enough Christians will have survived to have a moral basis for building back.  I pray for the sake of our country that will be so.   



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