Thursday, December 3, 2015


December 3, 2015

Just when I think things have gotten about as crazy as they can, someone in a position of power in our government or judicial system shows that’s not the case.  Our own federal government is now pressuring a school district in Illinois to allow a transgender student (a male living as a female) to shower in the girl’s locker room (see Illinois District Violated Transgender Student’s Rights, U.S. Says - The New York Times).  

The perverse hypocrisy of this latest move is breathtaking.  If a male on the street was to expose his private parts to one of these girls he would be arrested for indecent exposure.  Yet, because this male claiming to be a female is being afforded not just protection, but outright advocacy, of his deviance, these same young girls will be compelled to accept his exposure or face the threat of punishment if they, or their school district, refuse to allow this travesty to take place.

How much more of this kind of perverse nonsense is going to be accepted before people rise up in arms and say enough is enough?  Do you really want your fourteen year old daughter forced to shower with males?  Only people whose sense of morality is absolutely non-existent could not only support but trumpet and pressure for something this bizarre.

What has happened to the rights of the majority when it comes to “sexual freedom”?  Since when did my daughter or yours lose her right to be embarrassed by being forced or coerced into showering with a male?  Since when did parent’s rights to protect their children from sexual deviancy cease?  I realized there is a segment of this country that is so perverted they are praising the actions of the government.  But I also believe the majority of Americans find such actions despicable.

We truly are finding ourselves living under government tyranny.  Not only is the right to freedom of religion being systematically stripped from us, but the right to protect our children from deviants is being stripped as well.  Where will it stop?  Who could have envisioned even a few years ago that this kind of immoral trash would be being enforced on our children by our government and courts?

The citizens of Houston just resoundingly defeated an ordinance which would have given transgender folks the right to use whichever bathroom they chose, regardless of their biological sex.  The progressives are moaning and groaning about the hatred and bigotry reflected in that vote.  But it is perfectly fine for them to shove their immorality down our throats in the name of individual freedom.  What about the freedom not to be embarrassed?  What about the freedom not to be shocked?  What about the freedom not to want your child exposed to others who are heartbreakingly confused morally and sexually and need help, not reinforcement of their confusion.  

I believe the citizens of Houston made it clear people are sick and tired of having perversity forced upon them.  They are tired of being ordered, in the name of equality, to accept situations and circumstances which they find immoral and embarrassing.  Despite what the main stream media has been trumpeting, it clearly is not the will of the people to allow this kind of thing to go on.  It is the federal government and the courts which are supporting and enforcing this bizarre nonsense, not average citizens.

It is downright embarrassing that our government is involved in promulgating perversity.  This government and its courts no longer speak for me or millions of others on moral issues.  As Christians, and as people who care about the troubling direction this country is taking, it is vital that we speak up and speak out about what is going on.  And, more than ever, we need to use the ballot box to let our government officials know just how disgusted we are that our country, which is now under systematic attack by Muslim extremists, struggling to handle millions of illegal aliens, and drowning in trillions of dollars of debt, has leaders who would choose to focus on forcing school age girls to view the private parts of young males.  Really?  On the scale of things that matter, should so-called “transgender rights” be right there at the top of the list as far as priorities go?

May God help us to protect our little girls from an Uncle Sam who has, unfortunately, become an Uncle Pervert.

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