Tuesday, January 28, 2014


January 28, 2014

            Sunday evening, January 26th, CBS aired the annual Grammy Awards.  This is supposedly a venue to recognize and honor the best artists in the recording industry.  I say supposedly because year after year amazingly talented artists are ignored while trashy and relatively talentless media darlings are handed their trophies.

            I did not tune in to the Grammys Sunday evening.  I have long since ceased to care about watching performers (I hesitate to call them artists) being honored more for their outrageousness and immorality than for their questionable talent.  However, these awards produced enough outrage that there were plenty of reports Monday morning to give me a very good feel for the sewage called “entertainment” that was provided. Here’s a little of what we missed…

            Beyonce pranced around in a one-piece outfit that revealed way more than it concealed.  She and her husband’s, Jay Z, performance was suggestive enough and vile enough to generate a twitter outrage among many parents.  Apparently, there was an immediate storm of protest.  Really?  Surprised?  That’s what Beyonce and Jay Z have thrived on for years.  She glories in the sexually suggestive and he in the vile.  Business as usual.

            Katy Perry put on a performance that could only be called, and in fact was called by several observers, Satanic.  Dressed as a witch and surrounded by demons, Perry revealed her absolute contempt for Christianity and her obvious entrancement with Satan.  This pop “star” who has made millions pandering to the lowest common denominator morally continued to demonstrate her absolute disdain for the Christian faith.

            If there was a low point to the evening morally, and apparently identifying that particular point from a plethora of choices would be difficult, it came when Queen Latifah presided over the “weddings” of 33 couples.  Of course these couples had to include both lesbian and male homosexual couples who were being united in “marriage”.  This was supposed to be a demonstration of how “open” and “equality oriented” our “artists” are today.  Needless to say, it was a shameless denigration of the sacredness of marriage and an “in your face” challenge to traditional moral values.  If it had been a farce it would have been tasteless.  But it wasn’t a farce, and that makes it even more heartbreaking.

            Here is a snapshot of where our culture is musically and morally as we begin 2014.  And, frankly, we should be ashamed.

                                                                        Dan Rouse

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