Friday, January 31, 2014


January 31, 2014

Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) wished Roe v. Wade a happy 41st birthday on January 22, 2014 because of her “commitment to protecting women’s rights.”  On that same day the NARAL website invited people to “celebrate” the Roe v. Wade decision handed down by the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973 giving women the “right to privacy”, and thus an invented right to exercise the “choice” to abort their unborn child.  Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, on the same website that day advocated for “pro-choice” values and attacked the “hypocrisy” of the “anti-choice” movement.  On that day, the barbarians celebrated their "right" to child sacrifice. 

Since January 22, 1973 there have been approximately 55,000,000 abortions in this country., a website which lists approximate casualties from some of the more infamous genocides of the 20th century, reveals the following sobering comparison.  The genocides that occurred under Stalin in Russia, the Holocaust under Hitler, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, in Bosnia, Darfur, Rwanda, and Somalia, erased the lives of nearly 30,000,000 people.  If present trends continue, this year we will have destroyed by legal abortion the lives of twice the number of human beings destroyed in the 20th century by some of the greatest monsters in history.  And we will do so in the name of “freedom” and “reproductive rights.”  How is this something to celebrate?

When numbers are too great they overwhelm and their impact is, unfortunately, lessened.  The brilliant director, Steven Spielberg, in the 1993 film “Schindler’s List” recognized this.  I will never forget the tool he used to personalize the horror of the holocaust.  In a movie filmed in black and white, Spielberg colored the dress of one little girl red.  While hordes of prisoners were transported and ordered about, your eye was continually caught by, and following, that little red dress.  It was a disturbing but powerful way to remind us all that there were 13,000,000 individual victims to the horrors of Hitler’s genocide.       

Over 55,000,000 individuals have been robbed of the gift of life.  They have been sacrificed on  altars of convenience and economics and embarrassment.  Because their lives were never allowed to extend beyond their mother’s womb, their tiny voices have never been heard, their stories never told.  What might have been had they been allowed to live will always remain just that.

Every January 22nd has an intensely personal meaning to me.  You see, my wife and I were blessed with a son born to an unwed mother.  He was born on January 22, 1983, exactly ten years after the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down.  His mother was a nineteen year old college student living in Las Cruces, NM.  Her boyfriend refused to acknowledge parentage.  Like millions of others, she could have decided to kill our son.  Roe v. Wade had handed her that legal right.  We would never have known had she done so.  His brief life and death would be just another statistic on a gruesome chart.  Thank God, she decided to allow her baby, our son, to live. 

Adam has blessed our lives for thirty one years.  He’s a plumber with a sweet wife and two darling children, a little boy and a little girl.  He’s hardworking, funny, loves to hunt, and loves his wife and babies in a way that will touch your heart.

I will always be grateful to the young woman who spared his life.  I can’t imagine our lives without his as a part of them.  His mother unselfishly made the choice to allow him to live.  I can’t put into words what that means; or the horror of imagining if she had chosen to destroy him, as have so many.

What rests in the hearts of those who would celebrate death?  What lurks in the minds of those who glory in word games designed to dehumanize a human being?  How can they celebrate as a triumph the deaths of millions of unborn children?  I genuinely don’t understand. But I will always be grateful for those women of courage, who, under difficult circumstances, choose life.  May they be lauded and blessed for their choice.


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