Wednesday, October 15, 2014


October 15, 2014 

When Annise Parker was elected mayor of Houston there was a celebration of her election in the media.  Why?  Because Parker is a very open, and militant, lesbian.  Her being voted into office as mayor of one of America’s largest cities was portrayed as reflecting the new openness and tolerance in our culture.  Unfortunately, that openness and tolerance only extends in one direction.

Since her election, Parker and the Houston city council have passed a new non-discrimination ordinance.  Among other things, the ordinance would allow transgendered individuals to use whichever public restroom they felt more comfortable with based upon their gender identity.  In other words, men could use the women’s bathroom, and vice-versa.

The ordinance, controversial from the start, was opposed by many of the city’s churches.  A petition to put the issue on the ballot for a public referendum needed a little over 17,000 signatures and received more than 50,000.  However, the city threw out the petition in August alleging irregularities.  This, in turn, generated a lawsuit against the city by opponents of the ordinance.

Now the ministers of five churches in Houston have been subpoenaed by the city to turn over all speeches and sermons related to Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality and gender identity.  They have also been ordered to submit all communications with their members regarding the non-discrimination law.

In other words, the Mayor and city council are now trying to bully churches and preachers into silence on this matter.  This is one of the most chilling examples yet of the relentless war being waged against those who would speak out against the immoral agenda of the LGBT community and its minions to legitimize and legalize sexual deviancy.

The five preachers are being threatened with fines or confinement or both if they do not comply with the subpoenas.  This is not a game.  The mayor and her lackeys are playing hard ball.  They are attempting to use the power and resources of the government to stifle dissent. 

The preachers and churches are not taking this lying down.  ADF, a nationally known law firm that specializes in religious freedom cases, is representing the ministers.  They have filed a motion in Harris County court to quash the subpoenas.

The battle for religious freedom is heating up.  This isn’t a lesbian couple suing the owners of a bakery.  This isn’t a gay couple angry at a photographer who won’t take pictures of their “wedding.”  This is also not federal judges overturning state legislation regulating marriage.  This is government actively seeking to contravene the first amendment rights of preachers and churches to express their views on moral issues.  The over-reach of this Mayor and city council is breathtaking, but hardly surprising.  It has been clear for years that that the LGBT community is never going to be satisfied with anything less than a complete and utter silencing of any opposition to their lifestyle.  They are not going to be satisfied with laws protecting their “right” to practice openly and publicly their immorality.  They want those who stand in opposition totally stifled.  The only way this is going to occur is by finding some way to strip the freedom of speech from those with moral and religious convictions.  By taking the “discrimination” angle, and arguing that free speech is not protected in such circumstances, they are coming after your right and mine to share what God’s word says about how we, as a people, are to live.

Call me paranoid, but if they’re coming for them in Houston, how much longer before they’re knocking on my door or yours.  Being praying for, and supporting in any way you can, those who are speaking out in Houston.  It is a battle we must win – or else.         

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