Tuesday, October 7, 2014


 October 7, 2014

The Supreme Court of the United States just announced their decision not to make a decision in regard to gay marriage.  The five cases being appealed to the court by five different states will not be heard.  Therefore, for all practical purposes, gay marriage is now legal in this country.  The five states that appealed, along with six other states, will immediately begin to recognize the marriages of same sex couples.  That means thirty states, a solid majority, now accept gay marriages as legal.  There is no way the remaining twenty states’ statutes can survive legal challenges.  The SCOTUS decision not to make a decision has, in reality, given the federal courts authority to disallow any laws prohibiting gay marriage.  It’s a done deal.

As I have discussed previously, the American people are being systematically stripped of the right to legislate based on Christian moral scruples.  One federal judge can, and has, and will, disallow laws passed by state legislatures rejecting gay marriage, and/or the votes of tens of millions of people who supported amendments making same-sex marriage illegal.  Judicial tyranny is wreaking moral havoc, and SCOTUS has given its blessing.  Legally, those who object to same-sex marriage literally have nowhere to turn.  Our only other recourse would be to amend the Constitution of the United States, and with the moral decay obvious in this country, there is no way that stands a chance of happening.

I would predict that we’ll next see polygamy legalized.  The steps necessary to bring this about are already in motion.  The process is disgustingly simple, and incredibly effective.

First, you decriminalize.  That’s exactly what happened with prostitution in Europe.  First, they decriminalized it.  And that is what has happened here both with gay marriage and marijuana usage.  Years of  lobbying and hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in selling the citizens of this country that gay sex is normal and smoking marijuana is harmless.  Just think about the nauseating array of movies, TV shows, documentaries, news pieces, and other propaganda this country has been subjected to.  That has now paid off over the past several years in seeing states decriminalize gay sex and marijuana usage.  Step one accomplished.

Step two, you legalize.  Once an action once deemed immoral and criminal is now viewed as neither, the cries to give legal status to it begin.  If gay sex isn’t illegal, then why shouldn’t gay couples have the same right to marry as everyone else?  If marijuana usage isn’t illegal, why shouldn’t states have the right to regulate and tax its sale?  Step two follows step one like stink follows a skunk.

Step one is now implemented with polygamy.  We have been bombarded with propaganda  glorifying polyamory and polygamy for years.  A federal judge has now basically decriminalized the practice in Utah.  Once again, its only a matter of time until the cries of “if it’s not criminal why can’t it be legal?” begin to echo through state legislatures and then the courts.  And there is absolutely no longer a moral or legal basis not to see it made legal.  Step two is almost a foregone conclusion.

 A new report from the CDC reported today that 110,000,000 million Americans now carry some form of STD in their bodies.  We should be neither shocked nor surprised at the shrugging of shoulders this report will generate.  The only hand wringing we’ll see will be from those bewailing we’re not spending enough money battling these infections. A nation of sexual libertines are not going to countenance anything that would somehow interfere with their satiating their sexual appetites.  We have “sowed to the wind,” and, now, we “reap the whirlwind.”   

What makes my heart sad is, I don’t think we’ve even begun to see the havoc that whirlwind is going to wreak.       

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