Tuesday, November 25, 2014


November 25, 2014
Three years ago, at about this time of year, I was pondering (something I am wont to do for good or ill) the amazing fact of the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.  I’d often wondered, through the years, what it must have been like for Mary and Joseph to know she carried the Son of God in her womb.  What an awesome, and frightening, truth and responsibility that must have been for those two young people.  Then another question occurred to me: What must it have been like in heaven at that moment when the Word made His exit to take up His dwelling in Mary’s womb?  What occurred in heaven when the One we now know as Jesus voluntarily made that incredible transition to take upon Himself the form of a man?

I wrote the following little article as a result…


                A little over two thousand years ago, as we reckon time on this earth, came The Moment.  I have wondered if there was any fanfare in heaven when that moment arrived.  Were angelic choruses thundering praise as the Cherubim ranged around the Throne?  Or, was there a dramatic silence in heaven as the angelic host looked on in breathless anticipation?  Did the Father speak some last words of charge or of comfort?  Did the Spirit cover all with His attentive, loving presence?  What was the last gesture of the Word before the Moment came?

                What was it like in heaven at that Moment?  That moment that would change everything.  A moment unlike any that had ever occurred in eternity.  A moment when God’s love for His creation would be declared and demonstrated in a way without precedent?

                What was it like in that Moment when “the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” (John 1:14)?  Did heaven give a collective gasp or sigh or cry of triumph when He,” who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped…emptied himself” (Phil 2:6,7).  In that moment of emptying, did the heavens shake?  Did the Word smile as He transformed or vanished from sight?

                In that moment, in a little house in a little town in Galilee, did a young woman’s eyes suddenly widen?  Did she reach down for a moment to touch her tummy?  Did she suddenly feel within her womb a presence not there a moment before?  Did she quietly bow her head and begin to pray because she knew, as the angel had prophesied, that the Moment had come?  

                And, for heaven and earth, after that Moment nothing would ever be the same…

                                                                                                Dan Rouse

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