Tuesday, December 9, 2014


December 9, 2014 

            Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that the farther our culture moves from God the crazier things become.  If God is a God of order and structure (and as Paul writes in Romans 1, in creation we see evidence of His nature) then the evil one is the champion of disorder and anarchy. Every day it seems more evidence appears of how our western culture, shaking its fist in the face of God and actively turning toward the Adversary, has in the process of doing so, lost its mind.

            Allow me to share with you two pieces of evidence reflecting the insanity that increasingly characterizes our western culture.  I’m defining insanity as a breaking with reality; acting with extreme folly.

            In the state of Maine in 2009 the family of a transgender fifth grader (a biological boy who identified as a girl) brought suit against the Orono School District because their child was forced to use a staff bathroom rather than the girls’ restroom.  In January of this year the Supreme Court in Maine ruled that, in light of the Maine Human Rights Act, the School District was guilty of discrimination and, on November 25th, the Penobscot County Superior Court ordered that the family of the student be paid $75,000 in damages and ordered the School District to allow access to restrooms based upon a student’s “gender identity.”

            So, legally, gender identity is no longer a matter of biology, but psychology.  A man who decides he is a woman – is.  A woman who decides she is a man – is.  Forget science, forget physiology, forget genetics – basically, forget reality, when it comes to sexuality what a person chooses to declare about themselves now overrides any unfortunate, and now irrelevant, facts to the contrary. 

            The impact of this absolute nonsense will be felt in many areas.  For instance, another fight is occurring right now in Minnesota.  Can high school teams refuse to allow transgender players to play on the girls or boys teams?  A proposed new ordinance would force schools to allow students to play on whichever team they identified with sexually.  Of course, in the process of this, high school athletic programs will be ultimately forced to simply field gender neutral teams.  Title IX programs will be a thing of the past.  But in the name of political correctness, and not wanting to stigmatize the transgendered, who cares?

            By the way, what will this insane redefining of sexuality do to the Olympics?  On at least four occasions athletes have been disqualified from participating because, after genetic testing, supposed females were found to be males.  Obviously, such distinctions will no longer be legal or relevant.  Unless the Olympic Committee changes its rules, will our athletes be allowed to participate in an event characterized by what is now illegal discrimination?  

            What I’m waiting for is the first white male to sue for discrimination based on his identity as a black female.  After all, if sexuality is simply a matter of choice and not of biology, then shouldn’t race be seen in exactly the same way?  If not, why not?  If a black female finds herself trapped in a white male body, should she/he not have the right to declare her/his identity and have that recognized by everyone?   

            We are officially now players on the stage of the theatre of the absurd.

            A second piece of evidence that our western culture has lost its mind comes from the United Kingdom.  A UK court of appeal has ruled that a seven year old girl born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder has no standing for being awarded damages based on the heavy drinking of her mother during her pregnancy.  According to court documents, the mother consumed a half bottle of vodka and eight cans of strong lager a day while she was pregnant.  This, of course, resulted in a child born with intellectual and developmental deficiencies.  That the mother’s actions damaged the little girl was never at issue in the case.

            So, why is the mother not being held as liable?  Because the damage to the child occurred in utero.  The ruling of the court states, “It is well established that a fetus is not a ‘person’; rather it is a sui generis organism.”  Having redefined the baby as not having a separate identity from her mother, the child cannot sue for damages because, in utero, the child is simply viewed as a part of the mother’s body.  So, legally, the mother may have harmed herself, but not the child she was carrying in her womb.

            Once again, cast science and logic to the wind.  The position taken by the court is that a human organism in the womb is not a person.  Once the child is born, she is a person.  But as long as she in the womb, she has been redefined as a nonentity whose damage via drugs or alcohol consumption by her mother, or whose destruction by abortion, is totally the choice of the mother.  The baby has no rights as to quality or length of life.

            We are left with a damaged seven year old.  Her existence is a heartbreaking reality.  Society will bear the cost and consequences of caring for her as long as she lives.  Yet, when the damage was done, legally, she did not exist.  She carries in her little body the scars of an experience which the court denies happened.  The one who betrayed and damaged her is held to no consequences as the result of her selfish actions.  This whole charade is so convoluted and bizarre it defies description.  But because abortion has become a sacrament in our twisted, sexually obsessed culture, the court has no choice but to mercilessly define a child out of existence.  That is the only way the slaughter of millions of babies can continue legally.

            Our youngest daughter is now pregnant with our sixth grandchild.  Courtesy of modern technology, we have seen pictures of Henry in his mother’s womb.  Yes, Henry already has a name, and, because his mother is being very careful about her diet, also has an excellent chance of being born a healthy boy.  Every day, without exception, Carol and I pray specifically for the health of Melissa and Henry.  We ask God to protect and bless them both.  The idea that that little boy in his Mama’s womb is a mere blob of tissue is repugnant and vile.  Only a sick society could so cruelly and heartlessly and selfishly choose to redefine a precious life as having no value or standing. 

            Our western culture, in the name of “rights”, is perpetrating multiple wrongs as it deliberately turns it back on science and common sense to further its godless agenda.  We are moving down a path of confusion and destruction, and those determined to follow that path will use whatever tortured illogic and ignoring of reality is necessary to follow it.  When sexuality is severed from reality, when a baby in the womb is no longer a separate person, we have moved firmly into the realm of what I can only see as insanity.

            Western culture has lost its mind.     

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