Wednesday, January 14, 2015


January 14, 2015

             A very thought provoking short video, found here, expresses a profound truth about the destiny of this country.  If we do not discipline ourselves on a personal level, the practice of democracy as we know it becomes impossible.  There cannot be liberty without an almost universal exercise and honoring of self-control.  It has been the preaching and practicing of the Christian faith that enabled the founding and functioning of this country.  As that faith is increasingly marginalized, denigrated, or ignored, the consequences are real and painful.  A people who no longer have an internalized moral base will require that some external force be brought to bear to regulate their behavior or absolute anarchy will result.

            For society to function, there must be laws which allow individuals to safely interact with others in business and personal relationships.  Without those laws and the protection they provide, opportunities for abuse run rampant.  If there cannot be trust, there must be at least some guarantee interactions will be safeguarded in a way that allows them to continue.  In other words, if I can’t trust you to keep your word you will pay me a certain amount each month for an automobile you have purchased from me, I will seek to guarantee that happens via a contract and onerous penalties if you fail to do so. 

            Scripture makes clear the existence of laws is certainly no compliment.  In Galatians 3:19 Paul will tell us the law was added “because of transgressions.”  As he writes to the Romans he will infer that laws were given because we love imperfectly.  “Love does no wrong to a neighbor…” (Rom 13:10).  Therefore, the commands found within the law of Moses he cites in the previous verse were given because human beings, not loving others as they should, forced the necessity of regulating their behavior with law.  

            The bottom line?  Laws are necessary to protect us from each other.  If we truly sought one another’s highest good as we should, there would be no need for law.  Again, citing Paul in Romans 13:10, “…love is the fulfilling of the law.”  So, if everyone loved each other in the way they should, laws against theft and murder would be unnecessary.  Such unloving actions would not need to be forbidden and penalized because they would simply never take place.

            It would follow then that individuals with values rooted in Christianity would make the existence of many laws unnecessary.  However, the higher the percentage of those who are either ignorant of, or simply have no respect for, Christian moral principles, the more necessity there will be for laws to regulate their behavior.  Again, this will be necessary in order to allow society to function with some semblance of order.  Guarantees of at least some degree of safety in business and personal interactions must exist or societal breakdown is inevitable.

            Remember, law is not a compliment to human nature; it is a reproach.  Laws exist because of moral failure, not success.  The more need for law, the more clear it becomes a society is coming apart at the seams.  Laws become the stitching holding a rotten fabric together.

            We are becoming a nation of regulations and laws.  Why?  While several causes could be cited, including everything from bureaucratic overreach to power hungry politicians, at the heart of the matter is the heart of the people.  If a nation rejects a transcendent standard of moral conduct, such as is presented in the Bible, and replaces moral absolutes with ambivalence and tolerance, the result is moral anarchy: exactly the situation in which we find ourselves today in this country.

            If individuals have no internal moral compass to guide them in their day to day behaviors, then some form of external restraint must be provided.  The problem is, while we can pass laws forbidding and penalizing those who would lie, cheat, and steal, that changes nothing about their faulty compass.  This means those without that compass will simply find more creative ways to break laws for which they have no respect, and government will be forced to add more regulations and laws to curb their behavior.  It is a sick and never ending cycle. 

            In the name of what many progressives would call moral freedom, and I would argue is really moral anarchy, we have placed this country on an inevitable path toward totalitarianism.  Society simply cannot function in a democratic way without moral responsibility.  When a people have lost their way morally, the only possibility for society to function is by ruthless regulation of its people.  Those who would argue for the “freedom” found in moral ambiguity are, in reality, sowing the seeds of what will ultimately rob us of freedom.   


                                                                        Dan Rouse    

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