Thursday, January 29, 2015


January 29, 2015  

            The LGBTQ (for the uninitiated to the latest PC shorthand that is the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual-Queer) crowd have recently been celebrating their dismantling of laws limiting marriage by definition to male-female relationships only.  Increasingly emboldened by what they see as having homophobics on the run, they continue to push for anti-discrimination laws punishing those who disapprove of their lifestyle.  As I, and many others, have previously chronicled, lawsuits all over the country have resulted in Christians being prosecuted for refusing services to gay couples on the basis of the Christian’s moral convictions.  A school district in Maine was recently successfully sued by a transgender child’s family for discrimination because the child was not allowed to use the bathroom that fit his/her psychology but not biology.  The litany of what amounts to an assault on traditional Christian values when it comes to marriage and sexuality continues unabated.

            E.J. Dionne, the darling of progressives, recently opined in a column that the Culture Wars are dead.  The LGBTQ bunch has won in the court of public opinion and the state and federal courts.  Pro-choice proponents have fought pro-lifers to what amounts to a standstill on the topic of abortion.   The battle between Christians and Progressives over moral issues has been won by the Progressives.  In his august opinion, the new battles to be fought will be over ethnic issues related to immigration, not moral issues.

            There is no doubt the LGBTQ crowd has every intention of pushing conservative Christians into being forced, not only to tolerate, but to be unable to criticize in any way, a lifestyle they see as sinful and ungodly.  They want to legally constrain and restrict our freedom of both speech and religion under the guise of “tolerance” and a repudiation of what they claim to be “hate speech.”

            While their campaign against what they consider Christian bigotry has been pursued with gusto, there has been a telling silence when it comes to attacks on Islam.  Have you heard of a lesbian couple demanding a Muslim bakery produce a wedding cake for them?  Has there been a gay couple demanding a Muslim cleric perform their marriage or face being sued for discrimination?

            The fact of the matter is Christians are a “soft target.”  We fight fair.  We battle with words and in the courts.  LGBTQ advocates now control the media and have filled the courts with judges sympathetic to their position.  They possess few or no moral constraints in regard to how they attack and characterize their foe.  It is no wonder that Christians have recently been subjected to defeat after defeat.  Yet, the Christian response to those defeats is simply to continue to stand for their convictions, even in the face of increasing penalties and pressures for doing so.  Here’s the thing: Christians are not going to bomb or behead their opposition.  Gays can pursue their assault against Christianity with almost full assurance there will be no retaliation, especially none involving physical assaults.

            I believe it is quite possible that the LGBTQ’s attempt to change the culture and rewrite moral laws has not seen, as yet, some of the consequences about to come their way.  Their cultural and legal smackdown of Christians has given them a swaggering confidence that could well become their undoing.

            Laws that would force religious entities to forsake their sacred beliefs or face severe legal consequences will apply to all religions.  That means Muslims will be subject to the same laws as Christians.  They, too, will be forced to condone, or at least tolerate, behavior they find reprehensible or face punishment and fines.

            Progressives framed the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France as an attack on free speech.  It wasn’t.  It was clearly a response of Muslim extremists to what they saw as blasphemy that could not be tolerated.  Those cartoonists and editors were murdered because they were blasphemers.  To those Muslims, freedom of speech does not include freedom to blaspheme Allah or their Prophet.

            Islamic extremists clearly do not operate under the same constraints as Christians.  If you offend their belief system: They will shoot you.  They will bomb you.  They will cut your head off.  They will not hesitate to resort to the most heinous forms of violence to punish and quiet those whom they view as enemies of their faith.  The sad proof of that truth is found too often on the nightly news these days.

            So what is going to happen when charges of hate speech are brought against Muslim clerics who affirm the Koran’s teaching against homosexuality?  What will be the response when gays in this country choose to parody Islam’s treatment of women?  How are Muslim extremists going to respond when blatant transsexuals apply for jobs at Muslim businesses? History would say the LGBTQ crowd is going to be in for a rude awakening.  They will be stirring a snake that is known to strike when it feels attacked.

            I certainly lay no claim to knowing what the future holds.  But it seems to me that if gays keep on trying to cram their agenda down the throats of those who find it morally and spiritually repugnant, they are going to begin to encounter those whose response will not be civil and non-violent in the Christian tradition.  Instead, the Charlie Hebdo level of violence may well be coming to these shores.  If so, life may not be so “gay” for the LGBTQ  lifestyle advocates in days to come.


Dan Rouse

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