Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Bruce Jenner Fiasco

May 5, 2015

          I remember when Bruce Jenner won the Olympic Decathlon in 1976.  He was handsome and photogenic – a national hero and instant celebrity.  The gold medal winner’s picture would soon grace boxes of Wheaties, at that time one of the ultimate testaments to an athlete’s status.  But that was also pretty much the pinnacle of Jenner’s fame.  Since then he has been a b-list actor, making a living mainly off his celebrity.

          After two failed marriages, Jenner married his third wife, the former Kris Kardashian (once married to the famous lawyer, Robert Kardashian) in 1991.  Since 2007 he has been involved in the TV reality series “Keeping up with the Kardashians.”  This show has come to be the poster child for how to milk a dollar out of celebrity.  Jenner’s stepdaughters, Kim and Khloe, have become famous (or notorious) for their shameless marketing of themselves.

Last year, after a period of separation, Kris filed for divorce from Bruce Jenner citing “irreconcilable differences.”  For months prior to this the celebrity press had been speculating on Bruce’s confused sexual identity.  Images of him in makeup and dresses had been circulating, receiving obsessive attention from publications and television shows which make their living off publicizing the bizarre and weird.  So it came as no surprise (in fact, I believe it was all a carefully orchestrated “coming out”), when Jenner did his already infamous interview with a sycophantic Diane Sawyer and shared that he is really a woman trapped in a man’s body.  He declared he has now decided to live his life as a woman.

If anyone needed proof that this country, both morally and logically, has driven off a cliff, this has to be it.  A fawning press and LGBTQ advocates have been incessantly praising Jenner’s willingness to reveal his identity struggles and his “trans” formation.   Tweets from his children and stepchildren revealing their support for their Dad (Mom?) are being published to show how nobly and lovingly the family is reacting under the circumstances.  Conveniently, and I believe far from accidentally, it’s been announced that an eight part documentary is to be filmed recording the events in Jenner’s transition.  This two-bit former athlete, who hasn’t accomplished a thing of significance since he cashed in on his Olympic fame, is being held up as an example of honesty and courage to all.  He is being put forward as living proof of the kind of openness and transparency and acceptance this society needs to evince in dealing with transgender individuals.

Please allow me to posit a contrarian take.  Bruce Jenner is living proof, not of nobility and courage, but of the depths to which the desperate will descend in order to keep their name in the tabloids and the money rolling in.  A heartbreakingly dysfunctional and miserable man is using and being used by an immoral and cynical press to push an LGBTQ agenda that has been searching for a poster boy (girl?) for some time.  This pathetic sixty five year old has-been stands to make millions off his new found notoriety.

What we’re also seeing in this farce, I believe, is another determined attack by the God-haters, Christian-despisers, and anti-moralists who have come out of the woodwork in the last six years.  They now feel safe to spew their venom and vilify anyone who would challenge their sick and twisted views on morality and relationships.  Their defense and glorifying of Jenner isn’t about defending a man who is “coming out.”  It is about the opportunity to sneer at and denigrate anyone who would criticize the LGBTQ lifestyle.  When an aging man in a dress with makeup on his face is made a symbol of a movement, what does that say about the movement?

What kind of alternate universe do these people inhabit?  Jenner has been married to three women.  At least one of those marriages ended because of an affair he was having with the woman who would become his second wife.  He has fathered four children.  Does that really sound like a man who has struggled all his life with his sexual identity?  Are we really supposed to buy into the fact that this man who lived for decades as a heterosexual wasn’t?  Really?  Just because he says so (and we’re supposed to conveniently forget the last thirty years of his life or we’re bigoted)?

How long are these LGBTQ moral terrorists going to be allowed to have it both ways?  On the one hand, they’re whining that gays are born with homosexual desires and they can’t help themselves.  We narrow-minded Biblical moralists are denying them the right to follow their natural inclinations.  But  on the other hand, they are holding up as heroes examples of individuals who clearly have made choices in regard to sexual lifestyles.  All the posturing and pleading in the world will not undo the fact that Bruce Jenner is a straight male who, for whatever variety of bizarre reasons, has chosen to comport himself as a female.  Bill DeBlasio’s wife, Chirlane, was a self-declared lesbian, until she married DeBlasio and they have since had two children together and appear to be in a happy relationship.  Both Bruce Jenner and Chirlane DeBlasio have made clear sexual choices that are contradictory to those by which they had lived for years.  Both are proof that one’s sexual expression is a choice, not a force of nature which cannot be overcome.

I’m sure over the next few months we are going to be shown and told, ad nauseum, about the grace and character of Bruce Jenner as he “transitions” from male to female.  Any criticism of this bizarre rite will be met with horror and derision.  Deviancy will be defended and upheld as honorable and good.  Any attack upon it as narrow-minded and mean.  The LGBTQ crowd will embrace their darling and Bruce Jenner will have a new, and very lucrative, source of income.  The “normalization” of the abnormal will continue apace.

If it weren’t so blasphemously grotesque, the whole charade would be laughable.  However, it is very difficult to find any humor in it.  The unholy alliance that has been formed between those who are willing to debase themselves for cash, and those with an agenda to promote, goes on.  As this tour of the moral sewer continues and even picks up steam, I figure an incest based reality show is just around the corner.  After all, who’s to judge, right???  And if there’s a few bucks to be made on the side…

Dan Rouse


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