Tuesday, July 7, 2015


July 7, 2015
I believe we are experiencing in this culture the birth of a new genre of sin.  I have decided to invent a term and call it the “uncriticizable”. 

There has always been discussion and disagreement about categorizing sins.  Are there really “big” and “little” sins?  Are some sins indeed “mortal”?  But I have never experienced what is occurring with the sin of homosexuality.  It has become not only legal, but uncriticizeable.

I can openly condemn adultery and not be threatened with prison or draconian fines.  I can address gluttony and not have to worry about lawsuits being brought for mental distress.  I can even criticize cohabitation without benefit of marriage without fear of punishment.

But when it comes to sodomy, we have now created a new genre of sin that enjoys a specially protected status.  Not only has it been sanctified in the media and the courts, it has been accorded protection from criticism.  I’m not a “troll” or a “bigot” if I criticize pedophilia or gambling.  My freedom of speech is not restricted if I choose to Biblically address those matters.  But if I dare critique homosexuality, I suddenly find myself open to not just vindictive condemnation, but the very real possibility of legal action.

If some drunks wanted to use our church building for a “kegger”, our refusal to allow its use for that purpose would be honored.  If a swinger’s convention wanted to use our facility, our refusal to allow them such usage would go unchallenged.  If some fellows wanted to use our fellowship hall to host a high stakes poker game, no one would think we were under legal compulsion to allow such usage.  But if two women want to get married in our facility, suddenly that is a whole new ballgame, with all kinds of condemnation and legal ramifications, if we refuse use of the facility.

We are absolutely seeing created, before our wondering eyes, a new category of sin.  You can’t forbid it.  You can’t publicly object to it.  You can’t publicly criticize it.  For the first time, a private conviction about a public sin has become prosecutable.  A Christian cannot exercise their right to refuse to condone homosexuality by word or action.  A couple in Oregon have been assessed a draconian $135,000 fine for refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding.  They are being punished, not for overtly threatening or harming these “gay” women, but simply for refusing to condone their lifestyle choice.  Because homosexuality has become the sin which is above criticism, it now enjoys a sanctified and protected status above any other.  You can criticize a Christian all you want.  You can demean and besmirch their beliefs and convictions.  They are fair game.  But hurt the feelings of two gay women, and the wrath of the government descends upon your head.

The blatant hypocrisy of the whole matter is breathtaking.  One who claims to have been born gay and is openly practicing their sexual preference is to be celebrated and carried about on a feather pillow – above questioning and criticism of any kind.  But one who is unfortunately born heterosexual and acts out on that by committing adultery is subject to public condemnation of the strongest sort – I cite the experience of a certain Tiger Woods as an example.  Tiger simply made the mistake of sexually sinning heterosexually instead of homosexually.  Had he been having a series of gay affairs, he would now be a hero and above criticism.

I anxiously await to see what sin will join homosexuality in this special coveted status of uncriticizeable.  Will it be incest?  Polygamy?  Polyamory?  Will I soon be a troll and a bigot for refusing to conduct a wedding for the groom and his two brides? 

More than ever, I feel I am indeed and alien and stranger in this world…

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