Sunday, August 9, 2015


August 9, 2015

The horrors of the German concentration camps of WWII will forever haunt the conscience of mankind.  Not only were millions of lives deliberately destroyed, but the Nazis “harvested” and sold gold fillings and hair extracted from many of the corpses.  Such cold-blooded inhumanity is difficult to comprehend.  Yet, today we are seeing a similar holocaust occurring with Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts as “fetal tissue”.

Jesus strongly warned against dehumanizing others.  It is not uncommon to hear people today decry women being treated as “sex objects”.  This is exactly what Jesus warns against in the Sermon on the Mount when He says everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Mt 5:28).  A woman is not an “object”, she is a person, and when one directs his lust toward someone he doesn’t know or have any connection with, he is treating her simply as something less than a human being of value.

The defenders of abortion have done a masterful job of dehumanizing a baby within the womb.  They have done so by deliberately changing the language describing an unborn child.  You will never hear a pro-abortion advocate speak of a child in the womb as either a child or a baby.  That instantly recognizes his or her inherent value as a human being .  The child is, instead, a “zygote”, a “fetus”, a “product of conception”.  You will never hear an advocate for abortion calling that baby a baby.

Such word play is disgustingly effective in rendering the child as somehow less than human.  I am amazed and appalled at how educated, sophisticated adults who are doctors of medicine can calmly speak of harvesting organs from a child with no more emotion than a butcher would have in describing removing the internal organs of a turkey or chicken.  The only possible way this can occur is by convincing themselves that what they are deliberately dismembering and destroying is not human.

My youngest grandson, Henry, was born last February.  Melissa, my daughter, delighted in sending Carol and me pictures of Henry in utero via the wonders of modern sonograms.  I can understand why abortion advocates fight tooth and toenail against laws demanding that a mother see a sonogram of her child before she authorizes the death of that child via abortion.  A baby, in utero, is a baby.  Early in his development, you could identify Henry’s fingers and toes, see his little head.  We were viewing pictures of a baby, yet unborn, but still a clearly identifiable human being.  Calling Henry a fetus or a product of conception fails to do justice to the miracle of creation he was and is.

As I listen to very erudite, sophisticated women defend killing babies as a part of their “reproductive rights”, I once again am forced to shake my head in sheer frustration.  Abortion has nothing to do with a woman’s right to have sex.  It has everything to do with destroying the consequence of irresponsibly having sex.  If women’s rights to reproduce were truly being taken away, the “products of conception” they so cavalierly destroy would certainly be reduced in number.  Again, this has nothing to do with a woman’s right to reproduce.  It has everything to do with destroying the consequence of that action.

The cold-blooded sale of baby parts is horrifying to those whose conscience has not yet been “seared as with a hot iron.”  It is, to say the least, off-putting to read the defense of this activity by Planned Parenthood defenders.  They speak of the selling of baby parts in a kind of “well, why not?” way.  I guess they have so successfully convinced themselves that a baby is not a baby they can carve them up and sell them off like cattle.  As I listen to these defenders attacking those who shot the undercover videos as “extremists”, all I can think of is if it’s extreme to be horrified by what’s going on, then I pray there are still a lot of extremists out there. 

Perhaps the defense that repulses me most is the claim that nothing “illegal” has been proven.  “Sure, we chop up babies and sell their parts, but hey, it’s legal.”  If there was ever a demonstration of the truth that something can be deemed legal and also be grossly immoral, this fits the bill.  Increasingly in our sick culture we are seeing the immoral made legal.  That is a sick (I don’t know what other word to use) gamut to make the indefensible acceptable.  It never can and it never will.

I know of nothing that has occurred recently that could and should shock this nation into action like the videos that have been released showing the cold-blooded way in which dead babies are being marketed.  If this doesn’t touch the heart of this country, that heart is stone cold dead.

May God help us to be heart-broken and outraged over the horrors being masked by monsters playing word games.

Dan Rouse

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