Tuesday, October 18, 2016


October 18, 2016

            Are you as embarrassed as I am?  Is the best the greatest country on earth can put forward for selection to the highest office in the land a couple of narcissistic misfits? Really?  A potty-mouthed self-obsessed billionaire and a coldly calculating Jezebel are the cream of the candidate crop?
            I don’t find it difficult to believe at all that the U.S. is increasingly a laughingstock among the nations of the world.  When the focus of the presidential campaign centers around the two candidates tossing around terms like “crook” and “misogynist,” when the spotlight falls on either candidate and what is revealed is essentially a moral leper, when you have two camps arguing, not over incredibly relevant issues like crippling national debt, runaway illegal immigration, and frightening foreign policy challenges, but instead over who groped or raped whom, we reveal just how morally bankrupt this country has become.   
            As a nation, we used to command the high moral ground.  We were admired as a beacon of liberty and freedom.  Increasingly, and deservingly, we are seen as a selfish, neurotic, unpredictable mess.  We’re spending money like a drunken sailor even though for all practical purposes we’re bankrupt.  We make promises and commitments to foreign countries that we apparently have no intention of keeping.  We treat our long term allies with disdain and go out of our way to honor our sworn enemies.  It appears one of the few things we’re still successfully manufacturing in this country is pornography.
            I don’t know how it is in your neighborhood, but I’ve observed something very telling in mine.  In the past couple of presidential elections, there have been lots of yard signs in front of houses advocating for candidates.  Not this year.  There is not a single sign for either Trump or Clinton.  Not one.  I’m also a bumper sticker reader.  Once again, I don’t know how it is in your area, but in mine I’m struck by the lack of stickers for either candidate.  I’ve noticed very few this year, by far the least I’ve ever observed during a presidential campaign. 
Why is this?  I believe it is because it is difficult to be enthusiastic when you have to hold your nose to vote for the candidate of your choice.   When the best reason you can come up with for voting for a candidate is something along the lines of the analogy of “Well, would you rather select the candidate with the gun that you know will shoot you or the candidate with the knife that may stab you but might just let you live?” 
More than ever, I am grateful to be a part of a holy nation (1 Pet 2:9) whose guiding light is agape (John 13:34,35).  I am thankful to serve a leader of absolute purity of whom I am rightly proud, the lord Jesus Christ.   It is with heartfelt appreciation that I am privileged to associate with brothers and sisters in Christ whose moral and spiritual foundations are solid and sure.
 I am incredibly blessed to be a part of a kingdom of which I am not ashamed.

May God continue to bless His people, and may He show mercy toward the United States of America.                  

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