Friday, October 7, 2016

Extorted Into Silence

October 7, 2016

As I have watched the federal government in recent years becoming more and more anti-Christian in its laws and regulations, like many other Christians the specter of what the future holds has weighed heavily on me.  As the father of four and grandfather of six, I am extremely concerned about the cultural and spiritual atmosphere in which my children and grandchildren will live.  I ache to think of their freedoms of religion and free speech being stripped from them.  And that effort is undeniably already underway.  I am frightened by the thought of the day coming when they could be thrown into prison because of their “hateful” Christian convictions.  But who would deny that such a possibility is increasingly real?
            As Christians, what can we do?  An obvious answer is to insert ourselves loudly and forcefully into the political process.  Our elected officials are going to be the ones who legislate in a way that is either going to protect or attempt to destroy Christianity.  That is an undeniable fact.
            So why is it that most Christians have chosen to remove themselves from the political process?  Why is it that church’s voices are muted to the point of silence?  These elections are literally determining the future for our children.  So why are we wringing our hands and basically doing nothing to influence who will be elected?
            I believe we are allowing ourselves to be bullied and extorted into silence.  “Conventional wisdom” in regard to Christians abstaining from politics is playing right into the hands of the progressive extremists who would love to legislate us out of existence.
            Most Americans have bought into the idea that non-profits should stay out of politics.  If any organization is given tax exempt status as a religion or charity, they should not be able to express support for specific candidates or, increasingly, specific moral stances.  Their charitable status has, effectively, muzzled them.  To retain their charitable status, they must sacrifice their right to speak out on political and moral issues.
            Has anyone stopped to question the logic and validity of this stance?  Why is it okay for a for profit company to spend incredible amounts of money to support candidates and legislation that would be favorable to them, but non-profits have to keep their mouths shut and purses closed?  What’s the difference between a for-profit corporation furthering legislation or regulations that would provide them tax breaks, and a non-profit pursuing legislation aiding them in furthering their aims or values?
            Why is it all right for the government to take moral stances on various issues, i.e. gay marriage and drug use, but not the citizens who pay the taxes supporting that government?  Of course, the argument immediately made is that the non-profits are receiving a preferred status from the government and thus should not be allowed a voice in the government.  Why not?  If I was to argue that people who pay no taxes because they are retired or out of work or whatever should not be allowed to vote, there would be screams of moral outrage.  But if they are the beneficiaries of a preferred status courtesy of government largesse, and they are, why is it okay for them to have a voice but not okay for a charitable organization?
            I believe the progressives in this country who want to do away with Christian influence in government, period, are very aware of the power of the Christian voice in this country.  They know how much influence churches could wield should they be given an opportunity to speak out in the public market place.  Thousands of churches representing millions of Christians seeking to influence elections in a way that would protect and advocate their values has to frighten the left big time.  There is no question that it is to the advantage of anti-Christian forces to do all they can to muzzle the voice of pro-Christian forces.
            So, political and moral progressives have extorted the silence of churches and charitable non-profits by threatening to take away their tax exempt status should they speak out.  It is a strategy that has been undeniably effective in recent years.  This, even as they relentlessly inflict their immoral and amoral values on a hapless public.  Is it any wonder that the anti-Christian voices seem to be prevailing?
            I absolutely believe our God is King of kings and Lord of lords.  I believe he sets up and takes down rulers.  I also believe in the power of prayer.  There is not a day that goes by I do not bring before the Father my concerns about this country and its future.  However, I am increasingly convicted that we have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to the influence that we, as Christians, can have on the future direction of this country.  Why should we collectively allow ourselves to be bullied or extorted into silence?
            I am absolutely willing to give up a charitable tax deduction for my church contributions if it means the collective voice of millions of Christians can be heard.  I’m sure that’s true of the vast majority of God honoring, Bible believing people in this country.  If I have to pay more tax to have a voice in the future welfare of this country and, in particular, of my children and grandchildren, I will gladly do so.
            Maybe I’m wrong, in fact I hope I am, but if things don’t change dramatically, the course I see this country taking will lead to one of two ends:  overt physical and financial persecution of all those who do not sign on to the progressive, anti-Christian, agenda, or a civil war.  Both those possibilities nauseate me.  But if we just buy into the progressive agenda and allow them to dictate when and where we may speak out, I see little hope for any other future.

            May God grant us wisdom, courage, and faith in dealing with what is to come.       

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