Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Some Frightening Trends

December 20, 2016

Allow me to share with you three incredibly important stories that aren’t being covered by the major media… These are going to shape our future in ways that are hard to imagine.


We are moving toward a world in which relationships with human-like robots will increasingly be substituted for a relationship with a male or female.  No, this is not science fiction.  It is already beginning to occur and gaining steam.  Why bother with a wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend when you can have a substitute relationship with an A.I. (artificial intelligence) that never is moody or argues with you or questions what you’re doing?  Check out this story – and in particular pay attention to the video at the end.  It is a creepy indication of what will become the norm.  Japan is already facing what amounts to a crisis as a higher and higher percentage of young males are indicating they have no desire to have a relationship with a woman.  Pornography and electronic substitutes for relationships are reshaping their culture. 


We are all aware of how ipads, smart phones, tablets, and other electronic devices are reshaping everything from how our children learn to how we interact and communicate.  Increasingly verbal communication is being replaced by texting and twittering.  I watched two young people sitting side by side the other day in a restaurant.  They were not looking at each other, but rather at their cell phones.  It was obvious they were texting.  What was bizarre was they were texting each other!  That was made clear when the young woman suddenly looked up, obviously responding to what she was reading, and placed a kiss on the cheek of her date – then went right back to busily texting.

A troubling article recently appeared in the New York Post concerning young people and their addiction to electronic devices.  Unintentionally, we are creating a problem that only now is really beginning to be recognized.  This article, by a medical doctor, is warning parents to not allow their children the usage of smart phones, tablets, video games and such until the age of ten.  Our brave new world is filled with unintentional consequences associated with our exposure to devices and situations unique in human history.  Allowing these devices to babysit our children for hours at a time may well come back to haunt us.


The Islamic takeover of England, France and other European countries has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media (MSM).  The recent Brexit vote in Britain was driven by a populace tired of seeing their country and culture being undermined by Islamic immigrants who have no desire to assimilate.  Membership in the European union was forcing Britain to accept whatever immigrants came their way from other countries.  Voting to disassociate themselves from the European union meant they could restrict who crossed their borders – a right many believed was critical if Britain is to survive.  Are you aware that London now has a Muslim mayor?  That the most popular name for a baby boy in Britain is Mohammed?  That there are large areas of London that are “no go” zones unless you are Muslim?

Unlimited Muslim migration has been a disaster in Europe.  The terrorist attacks we read about are horrifying, but they are nothing compared to the quiet takeover by Muslims of larger and larger swathes of the cities they inhabit.  How many people in the United States are aware that large areas of Paris are also now “no go” zones for anyone who is not Muslim?

Europe’s secular/humanist culture, with little or no religious beliefs or convictions, is being taken over by a religion that militantly advances its beliefs and will defend them, literally, to the death. The countries of the European Union are now basically defenseless against an enemy that despises their unbelief and its resultant hedonistic culture.   Europe has thrown away as worthless a heritage of hundreds of years of Christian belief.  Now the Muslims are militantly filling a moral and ethical void left by Europe’s betrayal of its Christian heritage. 

We had better pay attention here in the United States.  Regardless of whether militant Islam becomes an increasing cultural and religious force in this country (and it is), its impact on Europe and our relationship with European countries is going to be enormous.  The day will come, if things don’t rapidly change, when we’ll be negotiating with Caliphates in Europe as well as the Middle East.  Think of all the implications, culturally and economically, that will have.  We’d better learn, and learn right now, from Europe’s mistakes, or we’re going to face the same disastrous consequences they are facing.

Here’s just one article of many illustrative of the Muslim takeover in Europe.

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