Thursday, December 1, 2016


December 1, 2016

I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I am an interested observer.  Mr. Trump’s ascendancy to the presidency has given heart to many moral and fiscal conservatives.  However, I would urge you to curb your excitement about what is to come, particularly as that applies to moral issues.  Mr. Trump’s economic agenda is much clearer than his social one.  I see no indication that his focus is going to be on so-called “values” issues.  We may well be on our way to an economic renaissance.  I pray that’s the case.  For millions of working Americans, that will be a blessing.  But a major change in the way moral issues, such as homosexuality and abortion, are viewed is another matter.  Here are some things you may wish for, but probably won’t see, in 2017…

I don’t believe we’ll see any change in the government’s stance on abortion.  The holocaust that should cause us all deep shame will continue.  Individual state’s efforts to regulate this horror will remain ongoing, but federal judges will do all they can to undermine these legislative efforts.  Remember, these federal judges are appointed, not elected.  The judicial system and its obvious prejudice against Judeo-Christian ethics in regard to value of the life of the unborn has not been affected. The war being fought in the courts over abortion “rights” will continue.

 While the selection of the next Supreme Court justice will be hugely important because of its ramifications for the future in matters such as the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, until we see who fills the vacant slot, I anticipate little meaningful change.  (By the way, this appointment needs to be a matter brought daily before our heavenly Father because the lives of millions of the yet unborn literally rest in the hands of the one who will be chosen.  I anticipate a rancorous battle if a true conservative is nominated.  The abortion industry has a great deal to lose if a pro-life Justice is seated.  Who Mr. Trump nominates will tell us a great deal about his true convictions).

In the matter of gay marriage and LGBTQ rights, I also envision little change.  There may be some slowing of what has been a breathtakingly aggressive push by the government at all levels over the past few years.  However, Mr. Trump, as President Trump, has given no indication of a willingness or interest in reconsidering or retracting these issues.  Cities and states who have aggressively pursued prosecution of those whose moral values would preclude them from approving gay marriage and transsexual bathroom nonsense will probably continue to do so.  In fact, militant progressives, particularly on a local level, may be more aggressive than ever in this regard out of resentment and fear after the recent election.

I know few, if any, who expect media coverage of a Trump presidency to be any fairer than coverage was of a Trump candidacy.  The progressive leftists in this country hate the man and his supporters.  The negative coverage of President-elect Trump’s cabinet is a clear indication that the MSM war against him and his “deplorables” will continue unabated.  What you will not see in 2017 is a “fair and balanced” picture of anything that smacks of conservatism.  For instance, isn’t it interesting that the prediction of a stock market disaster should Trump be elected has proven to be not just wrong, but incredibly wrong.  However, have you heard any of the MSM link Mr. Trump’s election to the market rally?  The silence in that regard has been deafening.  I listened this morning as one liberal pundit snidely dismissed Carrier Corporation not moving a thousand jobs to Mexico as merely “symbolic” and meaningless in the larger scheme of things.  That negative spin on any success of a Trump administration is not going to go away.

We are in a culture war.  The recent election was a battle in that war.  The outcome of the battle surprised everyone.  It heartened some and enraged others.  What you will not see in 2017 is that war cooling off.  More than ever, through prayer and seeking to be light, we must share with others the only thing that will save this country – a recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  

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