Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ultrasound Insanity

January 25, 2017

            If you have the heart, or the stomach, to be exposed to the barbaric insanity that now characterizes the Progressive Left’s defense of abortion, I would invite you to endure the above article.  This screed attacking the use of ultrasound technology as some kind of weapon of misinformation beggars belief!  Pro death apologists are now reduced to attacking the ability to see a baby in the womb as a weapon of the pro-life Right to misrepresent and mislead the mothers of those babies. It illustrates just how desperate the defenders and providers of abortion have become as they see their denial of the humanity of the unborn  dismantled by science.

            One thing I find truly distressing in all of this is the inhumanity revealed by portions of our society who view themselves as enlightened and elite.  They position themselves as defenders of women, yet appear to be absolutely blind to the frightening callousness and hypocrisy that characterizes their position.  As they moan and groan over their fear that “women’s health” is about to be sacrificed on the altar of pro-life conservatism, what they are really bemoaning is their fear that the ability of a woman to kill her unborn child at any time during her pregnancy is being reined in.  By the way, have you noticed how the whole “women’s health” mantra has merely become the Left’s code talk for abortion on demand?  They’re really not concerned about women’s health in general.  When’s the last time you saw feminists marching in protest over obesity or drug use or alcoholism or the myriad sexual diseases associated with rampant promiscuity?  The marches last week in Washington D.C. and elsewhere had an undeniable central theme – Women must have the unfettered right to kill their unborn child whenever they choose – period.  

            President Trump’s action this week in directing that no federal funds be used overseas to fund or further abortion was met with screams of fury from the pro death crowd.  How dare he do such a thing!  They are accusing him of sentencing women to death by coat hanger or to lives of poverty and destitution!  If you read, or listen to, some of these attacks, I would ask you to take note of something.  Notice what is not mentioned.  There is absolutely no recognition of the fact that thousands upon thousands of unborn children have just been given a reprieve from execution by President Trump’s executive action.  That is not mentioned because to the pro-abortion crowd that doesn’t matter.  Understand - those babies lives don’t matter.  They are being executed on the holy altar of pragmatism and sexual license.  If their humanity must be denied, if their defenselessness must be disregarded, so be it.  In the demented value system of the left, an unborn baby is only of value, only a human being, if its mother deems it so. 

            I have four children and six grandchildren.  One of the most thrilling moments in my life was the first time I was able to see one of my children in her mother’s womb.  I will never forget it.  To see the technology that allowed that blessing denigrated and criticized because it gets in the way of denying the humanity of a child is almost beyond my comprehension.

            In the next few days one of the most important decisions President Trump will make is to be announced.  He will be presenting his nominee to fill the vacant position on our nation’s highest court.  The pro-abortion forces are already lining up to do everything they can to prevent a pro-life candidate from being nominated and approved.  Please be in prayer that God will grant us the blessing of a judge who will vote to protect the lives of our most vulnerable human beings – the unborn.

Again, I have to say, it breaks my heart that in this country we harbor, and many honor, those who openly and vociferously argue for the slaughter of the unborn.  Such implacable disregard for the sanctity of human life should send shudders up all our backs.  It is but a very short walk, logically, from the slaughter of the unborn to the selective extinction of the elderly.  The same arguments used to support one will also support the other.  We are, ethically and morally, arguing positions with, quite literally, millions of innocent lives on the line.

I believe God has granted us a brief opportunity to change the course this country has been on for the past eight years.  May men and women of courage and faith speak up for the sanctity of all human life, particularly that of the unborn.   

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