Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Nuclear Option

April 6, 2017

It appears that on Friday the Republican controlled Senate will exercise what is being called the “nuclear option” and confirm the nomination of judge Neal Gorsuch as a justice of the Supreme Court.  An amazing amount of handwringing and wailing is being heard from the progressive Left over this “heavy handed” confirmation.  How dare the majority party take away the right of the minority to filibuster this nomination!  Such tactics serve only to further exacerbate the divide between the two parties!  Why can’t there be some kind of compromise in this matter?

The answer is simple.  There can’t.

More than ever, the Gorsuch nomination underlines the chasm that now exists in this country between our two political parties.  The Democratic party absolutely and resolutely supports the “right” of a woman to kill her baby in the womb.  Period.  The Republican party argues that a child in the womb is a child, not “fetal contents,” and should enjoy the same “right to life” within the womb that he or she has outside of the womb.  Those are not complementary positions.  They are absolutely opposite to each other.  And both parties are very well aware that a politicized Supreme Court will render decisions that favor one side or the other in this matter.

Our politicized judicial system now regularly legislates from the bench – at state and federal levels.  For years now, the agenda of the progressive Left in this country has been furthered, not by legislation, but by judicial decision.  Again and again, courts have overturned the votes of the people to further abortion “rights” and gay “rights.”  The progressive Left has been able to further its agenda, not because it has the support of the majority of the people, but because it controls the courts.  Should that control begin to slip away, it is a game changer of major proportions.

Six months ago the Democratic party was smugly secure in the knowledge that they would be able to fill the vacancy left by the death of Justice Scalia with a judge whose values and decisions would further their agenda.  They were also very aware that dozens of judgeships across the country would also be filled by appointing judges who values reflected those of the progressive Left.  This would mean decades of decisions favoring and furthering their agenda.  It would solidify their hold on power.

All that blew up in November.  They are now in a panic.  The very real possibility of not holding a majority in the Supreme Court, of having appeals court justices appointed who are not necessarily of a liberal bent, is the stuff of nightmares to them.  A possibility they couldn’t even envision a year ago is moving closer and closer to a harsh reality.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of listening to politicians from both parties talk about the need for compromise and working together.  I am all for compromise and working together on trade legislation or infrastructure spending.  Let them compromise and cut deals all they want.  But there are some bottom line moral issues for which there can be no compromise.  Either its right to kill a baby in the womb or it’s murder.  I really don’t see a compromise position that doesn’t entail dead babies.  Either marriage is to be between a man and a woman or anything goes.  Once again, I fail to see a compromise position that doesn’t entail the destruction of marriage as designed by our Creator.  There are issues that you simply can’t solve by making a “deal.”

We are in a culture war.  We are in a war that will determine the values that will guide the future of this country.  When you’re in a war you’d better fight to win.  War is never kind to the losers.

Don’t kid yourself, religious freedom is under vicious and determined attack in this country.  The arena in which these attacks have taken place have been court rooms.  If we allow the progressive Left to continue to take over the judiciary our religious freedom will be systematically stripped from us.  Please consider the catastrophic implications of this for your children and grandchildren.  I don’t want to even contemplate my grandkids being threatened with prison time because they hold to Biblical values that have been outlawed and condemned by a twisted and sick society.  In this ongoing political and judicial war over whose values will control decision making we simply must win.

So, if that means on Friday the Republicans in the Senate invoke the nuclear option and approve Judge Gorsuch, so be it.  I will guarantee you, if the shoe was on the other foot, the Democrats would not hesitate to use that same option to approve their candidate for the court.  This is increasingly a winner take all matter with huge implications for the future direction of this country.  Both sides understand that.

We’d better as well.    

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